Visual Brand Language, Form Development
the Zoom H1X is a redesigned of the iconic H1N, a low-profile field recorder used by musicians, vloggers, nature recorders, samplers, and countless miscellaneous audio recording sub-communities. The goal of this product is to create a more intuitive, easier-to-use recorder, while following a contemporary evolution of Zoom's visual brand language.

Joseph Kamaru is a musician from Nairobi who uses field recordings to create meditative soundscapes. All of his recordings are captured on a handheld recorder, and then he “collages the pieces into lengthy drones where the real-world reference points dissolve into a haze”.
I decided to target my redesign towards the “stick it in your pocket” consumers of field recorders - the ones who want a light, portable audio capturing device that can record high-fidelity audio anywhere, and use it to make music.
Kamaru is the perfect example of this.

Physical Prototyping

Final Design

Internal Components
1. Primary half of ABS housing
2. 30mm Active Speaker
3. 40x35mm LCD Screen
4. Gain Adjustment Dial
5. 45° Opposed Capsule Microphones
6. Record Button
7. 1/8” Audio Input / Output
8. MicroSD card cover / port
9. PCB Controller Board
10. Clear housing bridge, visual element
11. Bottom half of ABS housing
12. AA Battery Case
13. 5x 2mm Fasteners
14. Battery Cover

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